
An Introduction and a pair of Reebok Pumps

The first post on a new blog, feels like getting to know a shoe on a personal level.

The shoe isn't listening, nor does it really want to hear about your garbage disposal problems or see pictures of your dog - all the shoe wants to do is PUMP UP - psss, pssss - (man, I woulda killed for those kicks in '92).
While this IS a deficient analogy, and somewhat confusing, it does the primary job of introducing the fact that no-one is actually reading this! So, until I spread the word to my computer illiterate family or my apathetic friends - I shall be discoursing with 'a shoe,' as it were.
Onward I say.
It seems everyone is published or blogging these days. In turn, the road to acceptance and acknowledgment is arduous and success is seldom.
With this in mind, I choose to write for the pure release of it. Be it a recent trade in the NBA, a photo that I snapped that day, or an interesting article I have a few thoughts on -
I will try and just WRITE
- no editing or revising...only spell-check for my dignities sake. Leaving you, the reader; or my shoe in this case, the unmitigated opinion without enough time to re-read and edit/change. This technique, called "free-writing," was introduced to me by an English teacher of mine and has always helped brainstorm for papers and projects.
Albeit somewhat crude at times, I believe it is a great way to improve one's writing skills while truly letting the mind translate directly to the page with the least amount of thought filtration possible (the filter being apprehensiveness I assume). Needless to say, my initial posts will suffer in quality, but with any luck will improve as time goes on, impelling me to become a better, faster writer.

Good thing my audience is only a shoe so far.

Well, here's a game plan for my/our new blog. My wife and I, along with our dog Willie whom the blog is named after, decided to start a blog in order to post the typical family update stuff to keep the clan updated. OK, this was only her and the vain dog's plan. Honestly, I can't see filling space with 'where I walked my dog today,' segments so MY strategy consists of posting amusing and intriguing articles mostly surrounding our/my interests or the flavor of that week. In the end, ideally the posts will be segmented into:
1. recent family activity and pics
2. TrailBlazers links, opinions, articles, and grumbling
3. technology articles/ career news
4. recent design efforts
5. any random Willie posts...or where I might have walked him that day. HA, suckers

I look forward to posting in the future - and now...
Please enjoy the following fun facts about shoes... in order to round out and conclude the dreadful analogy

-In Europe pointed toes on shoes were fashionable from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries.

-A pair of the pictured Dee Brown 'PUMPS' were $148 on eBay when I looked just now...
-In Hungary the groom drinks a toast to his bride out of her wedding slipper.

...OK that's enough - I don't have any type of foot fetish, I swear!


  1. Hey Pete, I will be the first to comment on a great piece of work about, shoes? No really, it is very fun to read and I look forward to more posts as you write them. Keep up the good work!!


  2. What will I do with my life without more of Willie's successive outlooks on life!!

  3. Well you may not have a foot fetish ... but I for one know you do pertain to a certain piece of glass art .... I have a picture to prove it ... and yes I will read all of the article .. Gary

  4. I guess I fall under the "stalker" category since you never told me you had a blog. Look forward to reading more.
